Wednesday, September 6, 2017

One Month

Today marks one month since the boys and I officially moved to Texas. What can I say, it has been quite an adventure. New everything is hard to adjust to, even when you think you are prepared for it.

It really has been an emotional roller coaster for everyone. We were sad to leave all our friends and family back in Maryland, but we had faith that God would bring bigger and better things. We haven't really made friends yet, but it has only been a month. Can't expect too much too soon.

I think we possibly have found a church though. The only thing I don't like about it is that the music is super loud during worship. But the good outweighs the bad. The teachings hold my attention and are engaging. The worship would be great if it were more quiet. The kids love the Sunday school and actually tell us about what they learned about without being asked. And lastly, the people seem really nice. I could totally see us getting involved in a small group there.

Everything else is going well. My job is going great. I really like it there. The commute is kind of horrible, but I like everything else about it.

The kids are adjusting well to school. I just updated with pictures on Instagram last night. They seem to like their teachers and most of the kids are nice to them. The only incident we had was when two little girls said they didn't want to play with Elijah at After the Bell.

But that's about it in our little world. Hoping to visit Kevin and Jacqi this weekend, but we will see what happens. Weekends are always a crap shoot.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Happy Labor Day

Today is Labor Day and we celebrated by hanging out around the apartment and unpacking. It was super exciting... We also went to the pool, so it wasn't a complete non-celebration.

Also something of note, we had a shortage of gasoline on Friday and Saturday due to people freaking out because they thought there was going to be a shortage of gasoline. Everyone and their mother decided to fill up their gas tanks (and extra canisters) because a rumor started that we were going to have a gas shortage because of Harvey. It turned out not to be true and things (while way more expensive) are back to normal. No more lines.

While that was all fine and good, because of the gas freak out we had to post pone getting together with Kevin and Jacqi this weekend and decided to unpack instead. It all comes full circle...

Also in short supply was eggs. They still can't be located and the people at Market Place (Wegmans of Texas) said they were sold out because of Harvey. Going to try to locate some again sometime this week.

Monday, July 3, 2017

So... You're moving to Texas?

This blog will hopefully serve as a day by day update on our progress of moving to Texas. It will probably consist of short paragraphs and not many pictures, initially (who has time to post pictures when you have a multitude of things to pack), but as we get settled in maybe more pictures will show up.

As of right now... We have gotten through the really hard part (I think) and Joe has found a job down there, through a temp agency. So that means we will be making the trek to take him and the van down to Texas to stay until I get a job. This week we will be packing more in prep for the trip down, then when I get back I'll continue to pack for the big move.

Keeping the faith though. God has shown us many times this is what he wants us to do and he keeps opening doors when there are plenty of opportunities for them to be shut.